Fw: [分享] Jac Caglianone連續9場開轟 追平NCAA紀錄

作者 icecreamdog (Rina Zeniuk)
時間 2024-04-20 13:37:01
留言 9 ( 8推 0噓 1→ )
※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1c8oFZJw ] 作者: polanco (polanco) 看板: Baseball 標題: [分享] Jac Caglianone連續9場開轟 追平NCAA紀 時間: Sat Apr 20 10:09:35 2024 Jac Caglianone. NINE straight. The 2024 Draft prospect ties the all-time NCAA record for contests with a homer. ( : @GatorsBB) https://twitter.com/MLBPipeline/status/1781484288803799133 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLkZK-7aEAAnGzS.jpg 今天打出本季第23轟 距離401英呎/初速109英哩/仰角27.5度 並且連續9場炸裂 追平NCAA歷史紀錄 --- Jac Caglianone has tied the NCAA record for consecutive games with a home run (9 ). He leads the Gators in batting average, slugging, on-base percentage, home ru ns, RBI, total bases, innings pitched, ERA and batting average against. Record blast here: 247sports.com/college/florid… https://twitter.com/JacobRudner/status/1781487763663319548 除了追平紀錄外,他現在的打擊率、上壘率、長打率、全壘打、打點、壘打數、投球局數、 防禦率以及被打擊率都是全隊第一 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1713578979.A.4FA.html


Edison1174 NCAA大谷 04/20 10:19 1F
l5i9hbba 有機會照大谷方式養嗎 04/20 10:21 2F
bon01215 選秀排名衝衝衝 04/20 10:30 3F
edhuang 04/20 10:32 4F
ZaneTrout 要狀元了嗎 04/20 10:38 5F
Sechslee 美國大谷 04/20 11:08 6F
icecreamdog 可借轉NCAA板嗎 感謝 04/20 11:17 7F
polanco 04/20 11:20 8F
※ 轉錄者: icecreamdog ( 美國), 04/20/2024 13:37:01
Organizer Go Gators 04/21 09:12 9F