[籃球] Bill Walton and Pac-12

作者 icecreamdog (Rina Zeniuk)
時間 2024-05-30 13:11:40
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畢業於 UCLA 的籃球名將 Bill Walton 在兩天前因癌症去世, 他除了是 NBA 的明星、名人堂球員外, 也是積極提倡西岸大學組成聯盟的重要人物。 很遺憾的 Pac 12 在 2023-24 學年度辦完棒球、壘球錦標賽後, 因為主要盟校的離開,聯盟瓦解,目前只剩兩所學校等待其他聯盟的安排。 整個 Pac 12 組織大約進入了最後解散的過渡期, Pac 12 電視頻道也在上週進行了最後一次的直播節目。 Yahoo 這則評論(追思文)寫得不錯,想說就來順手翻譯一下。 https://sports.yahoo.com/bill-walton-ucla-legend-nba-173745492.html 同篇文章也發表在 LA Times 上 Bill Walton, UCLA legend, NBA star and Pac-12 advocate, dies at age 71 Ben Bolch Mon, May 27, 2024, 1:37 PM EDT Bill Walton once said his dream Final Four field would include five Pac-12 Conference teams. He repeated the motto “Conference of Champions” on basketball broadcasts as if he was being paid by the number of references he could fit into one game. 比爾沃頓曾經說過他夢想著最終四強可以有五支來自太平洋十二聯盟的球隊 在籃球比賽的轉播中,他重複說著 Pac12 是冠軍的聯盟 好像就有人付錢給他打廣告一樣 It wasn’t an act — it was Walton being Walton, as colorful as one of the tie-dye shirts the avowed Grateful Dead fan loved to wear. 但這不是演的。這是沃頓的真情流露,就像他藍染的那件t恤, 只有真正鐵桿的球迷才愛穿 Walton, the giant redhead whose basketball prowess at UCLA and in the NBA was surpassed only by his zest for life and all its absurdities, died Monday while surrounded by family after a prolonged battle with cancer. He was 71. 71 歲的沃頓在與癌症長期抗爭後與世長辭。他在洛杉磯加大和NBA所展露的才華只被 他堅毅對抗病魔的毅力所超越 “The world feels so much heavier now,” fellow legendary Bruins big man Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wrote on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) alongside a picture of the two men smiling with their arms draped across one another. “On the court, Bill was a fierce player, but off the court he wasn’ t happy unless he did everything he could to make everyone around him happy. He was the best of us.” 同樣代表過洛杉磯加大棕熊隊的天勾 阿布督爾。賈霸說,「世界現在變得更沈重」 在 X 的貼文中並隨附上他和沃頓的搭肩燦笑的合照。 Long after he won two national titles under John Wooden with the Bruins and was selected to the NBA’s 50th and 75th anniversary teams, Walton remained a constant presence in the game he loved as both a broadcaster and de facto ambassador for his alma mater and the Pac-12. 在他和洛杉磯加大傳奇教練約翰伍登拿下兩座全國冠軍 並獲選為 NBA 五十和七十五週年的代表隊 沃頓長久以來一直在籃球場邊以播報者的角色出現 並實際上作為太平洋十二聯盟和他的母校的代言人 Visible from across any arena, the lumbering big man walked with a hitch in his stride in his later years but always enjoyed dispensing advice to young Bruins players before games and tossing T-shirts to students in the crowd. When fans called out his name inside Pauley Pavilion, Walton would raise both of his giant arms skyward in triumphant acknowledgement. 在不同的球場都可以看到,這位高大的巨人在他晚年拖著沈重的步伐 卻仍然樂於分享建議給年輕的棕熊隊新秀 並在比賽時丟進場紀念 t 恤給現場的學生觀眾 在觀眾大聲呼喊他的名字時,沃頓會向天舉起手對觀眾表達巨大的感謝 Known for being gracious with his time, the man who won two NBA titles and was selected to the Naismith Memorial Hall of Fame often made everyone around him feel like the star. 獲得兩座 NBA總冠軍和進入奈史密斯籃球名人堂的他總是讓他身旁的人感到快樂 “I never had a better friend, and there are hundreds of others who feel the same way,” longtime Clippers broadcaster Ralph Lawler wrote on X in tribute to the 6-foot-11 center who spent three years with the team when it was based in San Diego before following it up the 5 Freeway for its debut season in Los Angeles in 1984-85. “He leaves a giant hole in our hearts.” 洛杉磯快艇隊播報員 Ralph Lawler 也在 X 上寫說 「我從來沒有交過比沃頓更好的朋友,而且有幾百人跟我感覺的一樣」 「他的辭世在我們心中留下好大一塊缺口」 As his illness progressed, Walton’s broadcasting schedule had been noticeably curtailed last season. He also was absent at Pac-12 media day, where he liked to sit quietly in the back of the room and smile while listening to coaches and players talk about their team’s prospects for the season, and the conference tournament five months later. 當他的病情惡化,沃頓的轉播行程在上個賽季被明顯縮減。 他也缺席了太平洋十二聯盟的開季媒體日。 過去在他健康時總坐在最後排默默聽著各球隊的球員和教練講述對於新球季的看法 Former UCLA forward Larry Farmer, who went 60-0 in the two seasons he played alongside Walton, said Monday that he last saw his old teammate at a 50-year reunion of the 1973 championship team at Pauley Pavilion. 過去和沃頓並肩作戰的 UCLA 隊友 賴瑞法梅爾, 是和沃頓在大學時期創下 六十連勝的隊友 說他最後一次見到沃頓是在 保利球館 (UCLA的籃球館) 所舉辦的1973年冠軍五十週年紀念會 “We were all in various stages of knee replacements, hips and walking funny while shaking hands,” Farmer said. “It was all something we kind of joked about. I had no idea he was that sick. ... Today, for me, is like having lost a family member. I love him and I’m going to miss him.” 法默爾說道「在人生的不同階段, 我們都會經歷膝關節置換、髖關及置換和走路好笑的時期, 而我卻不知道他已經病得那麼嚴重, 今天,對於我來說,就像是失去了一位家庭成員, 我愛他,爾且我會想念他」 Whenever he called UCLA home games, Walton would stay in the Luskin Center adjacent to Pauley Pavilion and loudly announce his presence, once openly praising the hotel as the greatest in the world as he approached the front desk. 當他播報洛杉磯加大的比賽,沃頓會在球館旁等待現場宣佈他的名字 也會到旅館前台去稱讚他們是他住過最好的旅館 His absurdist streak was constantly on display alongside ESPN broadcaster Dave Pasch, who played the straight man to Walton’s comedian. On occasions when Pasch dared attempt to rein Walton in after one of Walton’s long, rambling soliloquies, Walton would say, “Who are you again?” 他有時怪異的舉止總會被 ESPN 鏡頭所捕捉 有時他會捉弄 他的搭擋、 ESPN 主播 大衛帕區, 問他 「你是哪位?」 Pasch once jokingly challenged Walton to take a bite out of a cupcake with a lit candle atop. After Walton unflinchingly complied, a flabbergasted Pasch said, “Oh, I was kidding!” before breaking into laughter and covering his face with his hand in disbelief. 帕區有次開玩笑問沃頓要不要吃一口 插著蠟燭的杯子蛋糕 當沃頓同意時 帕區才大笑地跟他說 我只是開玩笑的 留下一臉難以置信的沃頓 Walton’s basketball feats left observers equally incredulous. A three-time college basketball player of the year who led UCLA to 73 consecutive wins, he was a central part of the Bruins’ record 88-game winning streak under Wooden. 沃頓的球員成就也是同樣的輝煌。 他獲得過三次全美大學籃球年度球員,也帶領洛杉磯加大完成七十三連勝 他是傳奇教練約翰伍燈八十八連勝紀錄中的核心球員 Known for his relentless shot-blocking, deft offensive touch around the basket and gravity-defying outlet passes, Walton led UCLA to championships in 1972 and 1973, completing Wooden’s record run of seven titles in a row that would later extend to 10 in 12 years. 1972 1973 年 洛杉磯加大以強悍的防守著稱奪得連續兩冠 也是伍登教練後來七連冠的其中之二 後來也是十二年內十冠的其中之二 Walton was unlike anything the college game had seen because he combined a point guard’s savvy and passing skills with the size of a post player. 沃頓不像大學比賽中的任何球員型態 他有不輸給控球後衛的傳奇技巧 又擁有宰制籃下的身高 “Bill was a very intelligent basketball player and he was very fundamentally sound,” Farmer said. “Being 6-11 with that skill set, that’s why you have one of the greatest college players of all time.” 隊友法默爾說道 沃頓是個非常聰明的籃球員 而且他的基本動作很好 六呎十一寸的身材加上全面的技巧 這就是為什麼他是 歷史上最好的大學籃球運動員 In what was unquestionably his greatest college performance, Walton made 21 of 22 shots — while having four dunks taken off the board because they were not allowed at the time — on the way to scoring 44 points and grabbing 13 rebounds during UCLA’s 87-66 victory over Memphis State in the 1973 NCAA championship game. 在那個灌籃還不被允許的年代 沃頓在對上曼非斯州立大學二十二投二十一中 獲得四十四分 和十三籃板 帶領洛杉磯加大以八十八比七十六獲得一九七三年的大學籃球冠軍 他四次灌籃並沒有被寫在紀錄上 In a social media post, Lakers legend Magic Johnson called that feat one of the most dominant NCAA championship performances ever. 魔術強生也在社群媒體上表是 沃頓的表現絕對是 在大學冠軍賽上最有宰制力的球員 “They talk about Jokic being the most skilled center,” Johnson wrote, referring to Denver Nuggets star Nikola Jokic, “but Bill Walton was the first! From shooting jump shots to making incredible passes, he was one of the smartest basketball players to ever live.” 「人們說 Jokic (現金塊隊球星) 為最有技巧的中鋒」 但是比爾沃頓是第一位可以轉身跳投、傳出不可思議的球的中鋒 Despite his outsize presence on Wooden’s teams, Walton famously sparred with his coach over issues ranging from Walton’s arrest for lying across Wilshire Boulevard in protest of the Vietnam War to the beard he wore to practice one day. 但沃頓也曾經和教練有意見衝突過,包含了 他秘密地參與在反越戰的抗議和在某次練習中留了鬍子 “Bill, have you forgotten something?” asked Wooden, a stickler for grooming habits, prompting his best player to tell him that he should be able to wear his facial hair however he liked. 「你忘了什麼嗎,比爾?」伍燈教練問 伍燈教練給了他一張如何整理儀容的便條貼紙 “Bill, I have great respect for individuals who stand up for those things in which they believe,” Wooden responded. “And the team is going to miss you.” 伍燈教練也說 「比爾,我非常尊重各文願意為他信仰的事情站出來」 「我們的球隊會想念你」 Having absorbed the message, Walton sheepishly shaved and returned to practice. 聽到教練的表示,沃頓默默地刮掉鬍子並返回練習 “He raced out of coach Wooden’s office and rode his bike into Westwood and got his hair cut and got shaved,” Farmer said, “and we all chuckled because we knew that was going to happen and no way coach was going to give in.” 法默爾回憶笑著說 他跑去伍燈教練的辦公室騎走他的腳踏車去 魏斯伍德然否把他的頭法給簡短和刮掉鬍子 他知道教練是不會放棄勸說他的 During Walton’s final season, the Bruins were upset in a national semifinal during a double-overtime loss to North Carolina State, a blip on the Wooden dynasty that would resume with one final championship in 1975. 在沃頓在洛杉磯加大的最後一個球季 棕熊隊在瘋三準決賽被北卡州大以下克上二次延長逆轉輸球 如果那場贏了 伍燈會多一個冠軍 而沃頓也會多得一個1975年的冠軍 The Portland Trail Blazers selected Walton with the first pick of the 1974 draft and he went on to help the franchise win its first and only NBA title in 1977 before being selected the league’s most valuable player in 1978. 波特蘭拓荒者隊以狀元的籤指名沃頓 沃頓隨後在 1977 年幫助拓荒者隊拿下 隊史上第一個也是唯一一個 NBA總冠軍 沃頓也在 1978 年拿下 聯盟年度 MVP But a string of foot injuries sidelined him for three of the next four seasons, and he never recaptured his dominant form. He accepted a reserve role for the Boston Celtics when they won a championship in 1986, capturing the NBA’s sixth man of the year award. The next season would be his last. 但是後三年,他的腳傷讓他不想以往那麼有宰制力 他在 1986 年接受了以替補球員的角色並替波士頓賽爾提克隊拿下該年冠軍 也拿下了當年 NBA 最佳第六人的年度獎項 一年後他就從 NBA 退休 “I am sad today hearing that my comrade & one of the sports worlds [sic] most beloved champions & characters has passed,” former Philadelphia 76ers forward Julius Erving wrote on X alongside a picture of himself standing next to Walton in their NBA 75th anniversary blazers. “Bill Walton enjoyed life in every way. To compete against him & to work with him was a blessing in my life.” 七六人名將 J博士 說「今天我很難過得知體壇中一為最受歡迎也是我的好友離世」 J 博士在 X 上以兩人在拓荒者隊的照片加上附註 「沃頓很享受生活,有機會和他競爭與合作是我人生中莫大的榮幸」 Once reticent with the media, Walton became a broadcaster after his playing days ended in an unlikely turn for someone who had struggled with stuttering. Once, when he rose to speak in a UCLA speech class, nothing came out, forcing Walton to return to his seat in shame. 退下球員身份後,沃頓開啟了他播報球賽的職涯 當時看起來這是一項不太可能的斜槓,畢竟沃頓必須有口吃的問題。 他曾經有一次在母校演說卻說不出話,必須狼狽地回到座位 “My classmates just laughed at me, right to my face,” Walton told The Times many years later. “It was the lowest moment of my life.” 沃頓對洛杉磯時報說道 「那大概是我人生中最低谷的時候」 「我的同學就當著我的面嘲笑我」 With the help of Marty Glickman, a sportscaster based in New York, Walton overcame his stuttering problem at age 28. Glickman told Inside Sports that he advised Walton to say things in order of importance and “keep the rest in his head,” though Walton soon was holding nothing back. 在紐約體育播報員 馬蒂葛利克曼的幫助下 沃頓在二十八歲時克服了口吃的毛病 葛利克曼讓他先從重要的事先說 把剩下的事先放在腦袋中休息 這樣沃頓不久後就沒有在公眾場合演說的問題 That was apparent when he worked alongside longtime ESPN broadcaster Dick Vitale on several occasions, including LeBron James’ first nationally televised high school game and a Cleveland Cavaliers playoff game involving James. “On both occasions,” the equally loquacious Vitale told The Times on Monday, “we broke every rule that is taught in broadcasting but had a blast. ” 這個問題也在 ESPN 播報 詹皇高中時第一場全國賽、及克里福蘭騎士隊的季後賽出現過 ESPN 資深籃球評論員 狄克瓦泰爾說 「我們打破了所有播報的規矩,但是轉播獲得好評」 Vitale said he last spoke with Walton about a year ago, when Vitale had called to offer praise about a documentary that detailed the courage Walton had shown in battling his injuries as a player. Returning the favor, Walton offered inspiring words about Vitale’s own battle with vocal cord cancer. 瓦泰爾說他最後和沃頓說話是在大約一年前 在電話中他恭喜了沃頓在紀錄片中 在球員時 如何對抗身體傷痛 在電話中 沃頓也同樣鼓勵當時在在對抗聲帶癌中的瓦泰爾 Walton, who was born in the San Diego suburb of La Mesa on Nov. 5, 1952, played both football and basketball as part of an athletic family. His brother Bruce went on to play offensive lineman for UCLA and the Dallas Cowboys in the 1976 Super Bowl, but Bill stuck to basketball after heeding the advice of an eighth-grade coach. 1952 年 十一月五日出生在聖地牙哥的沃頓 在高中時同時打美式橄欖球和籃球 他的弟弟布魯斯最後成為洛杉磯加大的進攻鋒線球員 隨後也成為達拉斯牛仔隊在 1976 超級杯出賽中的其中一員 Walton sprouted six inches between his sophomore and junior years at Helix High and stood at 6-10½ as a senior bound for UCLA because of its attractive blend of athletics and academics. He arrived in Westwood in the fall of 1970, when freshmen were not allowed to compete on the varsity team. 沃頓不僅有優秀的身高 學術表現優異 也讓他成為洛杉磯加大的學生 在 1970 的秋季班入學 當時的大學籃球還不允許大一新鮮人參加校隊比賽 He remained close to the program more than half a century later, attending an alumni barbecue at coach Mick Cronin’s house and regularly dispensing nuggets of wisdom to Bruins coaches and players. 他和UCLA籃球隊保持了約五十年的良好關係 時常參與校友的烤肉聯歡派對 由現任總教練 米克柯爾寧 在其家中所舉辦 並常常分享他的人生智慧給現任洛杉磯加大的球員和教練 “It’s very hard to put into words what he has meant to UCLA’s program, as well as his tremendous impact on college basketball,” Cronin said in a statement. “Beyond his remarkable accomplishments as a player, it’s his relentless energy, enthusiasm for the game and unwavering candor that have been the hallmarks of his larger-than-life personality. 柯爾寧說 「言語上很難形容他對於洛杉磯加大的貢獻,和他對於大學籃球的影響」 「除了是一位相當優秀的球員以外,他永遠用不完的正能量和熱情的個性 已經成為他的商標」 “As a passionate UCLA alumnus and broadcaster, he loved being around our players, hearing their stories, and sharing his wisdom and advice. For me as a coach, he was honest, kind, and always had his heart in the right place. I will miss him very much. It’s hard to imagine a season in Pauley Pavilion without him.” 「作為一個熱情的校友和評論員,沃頓喜歡在身球員身旁聽著他們的故事 分享他的智慧及建議。對於我作為較量,他是位誠實、和藹、用心做事情的人 我會非常想念他。很難想像保利球館沒有沃頓的樣子」 Among the few things Walton disliked were Digger Phelps, the Notre Dame coach whose team edged UCLA by one point in 1974 to snap the Bruins’ 88-game winning streak. Walton went on to needle Phelps over the years, once proudly hoisting a sign reading, “Digger is a wimp” during a UCLA-Notre Dame game that Walton was calling in 2018 at Pauley Pavilion. 對於過去斬斷八十八連勝的聖母大學校友 Digger Phelps 沃頓也曾經在轉播 聖母大學 洛杉磯加大的比賽中 舉著 聖母大學是懦夫的牌子進場 When the broadcast team reached Phelps on the phone, Walton eventually asked him, “What are you doing these days? Are you like a vampire that comes out? ” After Phelps hung up, Walton said, “Digger is the devil. I thought he was dead.” 兩人各自開著玩笑在電話中互不相讓 說著垃圾話 The broadcaster also despised the demise of the Pac-12 after UCLA — alongside rival USC — announced its departure for the Big Ten Conference. Walton, who is survived by wife Lori; sons Adam, Nathan, Chris and Luke — the former Lakers player and coach — and three grandchildren, vehemently disagreed with the move as the shattering of more than a century’s worth of history and tradition as part of a soulless money grab. 沃頓非常鄙視洛杉磯加大和南加大加盟大十連盟的政策 沃頓全家人 包含他的太太、三位兒子、包括過去湖人教練、球員 Luke Walton 都齊聲反對這想舉措 認為南加州雙雄加入大十連盟是在破壞傳統 只為了沒有靈魂的商業考量 In a fitting sendoff to both the Pac-12 and his longtime friend, broadcaster Roxy Bernstein quoted Walton at the end of the conference’s final game — Arizona’s 5-4 victory over USC on Saturday in the Pac-12 baseball championship — by saying, “Thank you for my life.” 在亞利桑納大學和南加大最後一場太平洋十二聯盟的棒球賽結束後 評論員 洛西貝爾斯登 向沃頓致意 為他向這聯盟的歷史致意 「我這一生都感謝你」 When a Times reporter passing Walton in the parking lot of the Galen Center after UCLA’s victory over USC in January asked whether he would see the broadcaster in West Lafayette, Ind., as part of the Bruins’ move to the Big Ten next season, Walton turned around, smiled and said it wasn’t up to him. And then he kept walking and was gone. 洛杉磯時報記者在洛杉磯加大贏南加大比賽後在停車場擦肩問到沃頓 「你會去印第安納州西拉法葉市播報棕熊隊和普度大學的比賽嗎?」 沃頓沒有明確回答,只是笑著說這由不得他。 接著他就一直走直到身影消失... ----- 隨手翻的歡迎指正 不知道那麼長 不過看完補充了好多籃球歷史和轉播歷史 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NCAA/M.1717045902.A.746.html


※ 編輯: icecreamdog ( 美國), 05/30/2024 13:13:41
※ 編輯: icecreamdog ( 美國), 05/30/2024 13:15:03
※ 編輯: icecreamdog ( 美國), 05/30/2024 13:23:05
edgelee RIP 05/30 15:38 1F