[徵人] 4X league 徵人 詳細資訊待討論

看板 NBA_Fantasy
作者 heyhimoly (嗨嗨早安)
時間 2024-09-04 21:40:55
留言 1 ( 0推 0噓 1→ )
聯盟網址:https://reurl.cc/NlQO6m Password:選秀時間 [台灣時間]:待定 聯盟類型 [roto/H2H]:H2H 玩家隊數 [12/其他]: 12 選秀方式 [S型/拍賣]: S型 比項 [Y!預設/額外]: Y!預設(9項) 其他非預設之設定: 聯盟長遊戲年資:3 擔任聯盟長次數:8 親友盟[Yes/No]:yes 說明/其他:由聯盟名稱大概可知是從其他版開始揪的,若有意願加入麻煩站內再 給您社群連結討論選秀時間。若也對MLB也有興趣那更不能錯過,下個賽季不出意外 也會開MLB的盟 League Scoring & Settings (請複製貼上聯盟完整設定) League Logo  Edit Custom Image Clear Auto-renew League  Yes Invite Permissions  Commissioner Only Maximum teams in league 12 Live Draft Pick Time 1 Minute Type of scoring Head-to-Head Maximum player acquisitions for entire season No maximum Maximum trades for entire season No maximum Last date to trade player March 6, 2025 Allow draft pick trades  No Time players are on waivers 2 days Determine waiver priority by  Continual rolling list Waiver Mode  Standard Can't Cut list provider  Yahoo Sports Trades reviewed by  Votes (all league managers) Votes Required to Veto a Trade  Default Time to protest pending trades 2 days After draft, make all un-rostered players Follow Waiver Rules Add injured players directly to an injury slot  Yes Lock benched players after game start  No Make League Publicly Viewable  No Send unjoined players email reminders  Yes Only apply in Head-to-Head leagues Allow roster changes Daily - Today Start League scoring in Week 1 (Oct 22) Playoff Weeks 6 teams - Week 20, 21 and 22 (ends Sunday, Apr 6) Playoff Tie-Breaker  Higher seed wins Playoff Reseeding  Yes Lock Eliminated Teams  Yes Maximum player acquisitions per week 4 Divisions  No -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA_Fantasy/M.1725457257.A.60C.html


※ 編輯: heyhimoly ( 臺灣), 09/04/2024 21:42:04
heyhimoly 若有問題都可以站內我 09/04 21:42 1F