[-Fx-] Firefox 133.0 Released

看板 Browsers
作者 rick ( Uaena )
時間 2024-11-26 22:24:36
留言 24 ( 7推 0噓 17→ )
回文 2則
官方版本134.0預計在 2025年01月07日(美國時間) 台灣時間01月07日~01月08日 更新 133.0 Release Note https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/133.0/releasenotes/ New︰ Firefox now has a new anti-tracking feature, Bounce Tracking Protection, which is now available in Enhanced Tracking Protection's "Strict" mode. This feature detects bounce trackers based on their redirect behavior and periodically purges their cookies and site data to block tracking. https://support.mozilla.org/kb/enhanced-tracking-protection-firefox-desktop https://mzl.la/4i8UBmo The sidebar to view tabs from other devices can now be opened via the Tab overview menu. https://support.mozilla.org/kb/view-synced-tabs-other-devices https://support.mozilla.org/kb/tab-overview-menu https://i.imgur.com/EGDEbXG.png
[-Fx-] Firefox 133.0 Released
GPU-accelerated Canvas2D is now enabled by default on Windows providing a performance improvement. Fixed︰ Various security fixes. https://www.mozilla.org/security/advisories/mfsa2024-63 The “Picture-in-Picture: auto-open on tab switch” feature froFirefox Labs now behaves more reliably across a wider range of sites, automatically opening relevant videos while ignoring others. https://is.gd/46WCcN Changed︰ When server time is available, the "expire" attribute value is adjusted by adding the difference between the server and local times. If the current time is set in the future, cookies that have not expired according to the server time are considered valid. Enterprisehttps://support.mozilla.org/kb/firefox-enterprise-133-release-notes Developer︰ Firefox now supports the keepalive option in the Fetch API. This feature allows developers to make HTTP requests that can continue to run even after the page is unloaded, such as during page navigation or closing. https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API Firefox now supports the Permissions API in Worker Context. https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Permissions_API Firefox now dispatches beforetoggle events just before a dialog opens and toggle events after the dialog closes, matching the behavior of popovers. https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/beforetoggle_event https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/toggle_event https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/popover Methods are now available on UInt8Array to convert to and from Base64 and hexadecimal encodings. This is an implementation of a Stage 3 TC39 proposal, for more details see the proposal text. https://mzl.la/3CH2EH8 https://github.com/tc39/proposal-arraybuffer-base64 Added support for image decoding as part of the WebCodecs API. This allows for decoding of images from the main and worker threads. -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Browsers/M.1732631097.A.560.html


[-Fx-] Firefox 133.0 Released
7 24 browsers rick
2024-11-26 22:24:36
Re: [-Fx-] Firefox 133.0 Released
2 4 browsers YuQilin
2024-11-27 07:57:54


MK47 有用chrome.css改界面的人要注意一下 這個版有些會失效 我升 11/27 00:19 1F
MK47 上去不能用 降版說可能破壞profiles 不給用 害我搞了好久 11/27 00:19 2F
YuQilin 要降版本Firefox要求你要建立新的設定檔時 11/27 01:04 3F
YuQilin 備份Profiles 執行firefox.exe -allow-downgrade 11/27 01:04 4F
YuQilin 或者刪除Profiles裡面的compatibility.ini 11/27 01:04 5F
YuQilin 剛好v133改了urlbar讓很多樣式爆炸 11/27 01:04 6F
YuQilin 一些作者已經有提前更新 11/27 01:04 7F
YuQilin FlexFox 1.0.0目前看起來到明年2月4號的v135都沒有問題 11/27 01:04 8F
MK47 我是把compatibility.ini檔案裡的LastVersion後面的數字改小 11/27 02:02 9F
MK47 然後到`about:profile理去重新把他設為default 只是很多台 11/27 02:02 10F
MK47 電腦筆電弄很久 請問一下要去哪裡才能知道 哪一個版會大改這 11/27 02:02 11F
MK47 些東西造成css界面修改不相容啊? 這次一下浪費好多時間 11/27 02:02 12F
rick 不要第一時間升上去 讓子彈飛一下(誤) 11/27 07:47 13F
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 11/27/2024 07:49:16
rick beta或nightly版本應該會有人討論? 11/27 07:50 14F
rick 音量圖示怎麼好像又改了? 聽到大家的心聲了嗎? XD 11/27 07:57 15F
olduck autohide_sidebar看到討論才注意到失效,更新了 11/27 08:06 16F
cys070 側邊欄怎樣取消,多那條真的很不舒服 11/27 17:13 17F
MK47 晚一點更新確實是好方法XDD 11/27 20:50 18F
leon19790602 我的TST寫好的自動隱藏側邊欄的css也失效了,換成Y 11/27 22:15 19F
leon19790602 大的FlexFox了 11/27 22:15 20F
crescent3 所以我都自己寫 https://old.reddit.com/r/FirefoxCSS/ 12/01 15:50 21F
crescent3 有變動這裡通常都會有人討論 像最近很哀號特別多 12/01 15:51 22F
crescent3 然後新的側邊攔可以改sidebar.revamp切換 12/01 15:53 23F
rick @bajiqa 斗魚好像正常了 Orz 莫名其妙就好了! 12/02 12:02 24F